We’re so excited to introduce you to Logan Carr for Virtual Elementary School’s Student Spotlight Series this month!
As you can see from the photos, Logan is an extremely active 11-year-old who’s always on the go! Having lived with his mom Julie and dad Ken in Halifax, Nova Scotia for the past 9 years, Logan can tell you that there are plenty of opportunities to have fun in the Maritimes. First and foremost, Logan loves to spend as much time as possible playing soccer. He even trains with an older group of kids at an elite soccer academy! When he’s not on the soccer field, you can find him hanging out at the beach with his friends and family. An avid swimmer, Logan also volunteers as a swim instructor!

Logan’s family loves to give back to their community. This past year they’ve been volunteering with Square Roots, an organization that delivers fresh fruits and vegetables to families in need in Nova Scotia. Square Roots aims to reduce food insecurity in communities by redirecting food that would otherwise be wasted by industries and restaurants.
With a remarkably busy schedule, Logan needed an alternative school option that would allow him to study around his evening soccer training routine. After receiving a recommendation from a family friend, Julie and Ken turned to Virtual Elementary School:
What’s the most beneficial aspect of VES according to Logan’s mom?
“FLEXIBILITY!! That’s definitely number one, but I have been very impressed with the content and the assistance we’ve gotten from teachers.”
Currently enrolled in the independent Grade 6 language course, Logan has successfully completed several other independent and facilitated courses since he began at VES in 2020. The key to keeping Logan motivated to complete his assignments in a homeschooling environment has been establishing a sense of structure and routine:
“I think that the hardest part was making a good schedule and trying to stick to it as much as possible. It allows Logan to know what’s expected of him and when he has free time.”
We can attest that Logan makes great use of his free time, while also remaining a diligent, bright, and engaged student! Logan and his family are looking forward to having soccer start up again for the season and travelling to see friends and family that they’ve been separated from during the COVID-19 pandemic. We can’t wait to hear all about their summer adventures!